Lakshmi Veeraraghavan services was started by Mr. Kesava Mudaliar, a scion of the renowned Mudaliar family of Ranipet in 1950 as hobby in an attempt to foster good family relationships. The service developed in a positive environment in this region, acknowledging social and cultural mores. This responsibility was passed on by the father to his daughter, the well known Lakshmi Veeraraghavan, who carried on in the tradition of her father.
Extending its reach beyond Tamil Nadu, the service encompassed USA, UK., the Gulf, Australia etc. to become a global player with a strong presence in the Mudaliar community. Now in its third generation of service, the mantle has passed on to the grandson and his wife C. V Ramakrishna and Suganthi. Responding to changing times, this professionally managed service now supports all communities in their efforts to find good matches.